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If you have a promo code, enter it during payment and receive a bonus
If you have a promo code, enter it during payment and receive a bonus
If you have a promo code, enter it during payment and receive a bonus

Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is the policy of WOWBODY, Inc. to respect your privacy and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding any personal information we may collect about you, including through our website WOWBODY and related services.


Privacy of users of the site WOWBODY, which is managed by LLC "HELS TECHNOLOGY" is very important to us, and we strive to protect it. This policy explains, what information about users we collect, for what purposes we use it, for what period time we store and how you can change or delete information about yourself.

User profile

necessary minimum information for full use of the services of our site, a namely:

  • name and surname (registration under a fictitious name is possible)
  • e-mail (you can create a separate e-mail exclusively for registration on our website)
  • phone number (not mandatory, but preferred as an additional means of providing information)
  • the time zone in which you will be during the training program (for timely connection of the program and correct change of content).

Use of Personal Information

At the beginning of using the site, we identify you by the first and last name you provided. For you personally, we will give recommendations for your successful completion of the program training, adjust your actions during training and give answers to questions that will arise you have The e-mail specified during registration will serve as a means of communication with you by other site users. It is to e-mail that we will send our recommendations and answers to your questions, as well as information about our promotions and events. By determining your time zone, you determine the start time of the program and the time of subsequent content changes.

Time of storage of personal information

The data you entered during registration, as well as your questions, feedback, suggestions, comments, we save your wishes even after you have finished using the program. This information it is necessary for us to derive average statistical data, identify shortcomings and improve services of the program, as well as to determine ways to improve the training program.

Transfer of your information

We plan to expand the range of services we provide: from creating additional programs to sale of related goods. It will be necessary to attract additional services and partner companies. IN in connection with this, it is possible to transfer your basic registration data (name, phone number and e-mail) to partner companies. Personal information (for example, photos) is transferred only from your consent.

Changing or Deleting Personal Information

We have ensured the possibility of using the program by specifying a minimum personal number during registration information And even offered to create registration data exclusively for passing program, which excludes any identification of you as an individual.

To delete your user account, you have two options:

  1. Through the WOWBODY app:
    • Navigate to My Account -> Delete Account
    • Tap the Yes button, then confirm by tapping OK
    • After that, log in to your account again and tap the Delete button in the pop-up window.
  2. By sending a request:
    • Alternatively, you can delete your account by sending a request to our support team at [email protected]

Please note, once your account is deleted, access to the program will be permanently terminated.


Our site uses cookies. This allows us to track activity of users on the site: determine the sections that are most often visited by users; articles which cause interest; topics that are actively discussed; videos that gain the most number of views. In the future, this statistical information will help us determine the ways of development site and directions for improving the training program. Information collected using cookies, will be used exclusively within our company and is not transferable under any circumstances to third parties.